The Truth in My Grass

I just finished cutting my grass and I noticed it was easier to cut. I didn’t have to contend with tall, lush grass the way I did several weeks ago. It is looking a little tired, a little sparse and a little like it is dying. The reason, of course, is that it has been deprived lately of all the things that make it healthy and nice to look at. It is just not getting the sunshine and water and even the warmth it once did.
I realized that God has put into creation an analogy of my own spiritual experience. If we deprive ourselves of daily reflection on God’s Word, personal time in prayer, regular fellowship with other believers in life and worship, and service in the kingdom of God we begin to wither spiritually. Everytime. Everyone. No exceptions. In other words, if we want the fruit of the Spirit in our lives (love, joy, peace, and so on) and if we want the consciousness of living life with God, we need to draw on the things he’s given us that make that possible. It is true. It is very, very, true.