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Our Missionaries


We believe in supporting missionaries because we believe in the importance of fulfilling what has become known as The Great Commission.


Before Jesus ascended into heaven he gave his disciples one last command.  


Matthew 28:16-20 records the event as follows: "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.  Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'”


These are the missionaries that the church supports.  Please join us in supporting them through prayer, encouragement, finances, and financial giving.

Glenna Houston IMG_9219_edited.jpg

Albert & Barbara Heal​

Northern Canada Evangelical Mission​

Prince Albert, Sask

The Northern Canada Evangelical Mission is an interdenominational faith organization seeking to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Native peoples of Canada.


The Heals work in the main office in Prince Albert  Saskatchewan. They have also served at Fort Nelson, BC for 21 years. This year the Heals reached 35 years of service with NCEM. Barb works in the office as receptionist and office manager. Albert works in the office and aviation. Albert & Barb are members of Crossfield Baptist Church as this is Barb´s home church. The Heal´s were commissioned for ministry at CBC and consider this church their sending church. They have four grown children and three grandchildren.

Glenna Houston

Glenna's ministry is to direct the Native Bible Centre, as a distance learning Bible school. The NBC makes Bible Studies available in easy English so those who have trouble with English will be able to understand the Bible


Dale and Carol Smith direct InterAct Ministries, Inc. and Canada. Carol serves as Dale's administrative assistant and as a staff counsellor.


We are Mark and Emma Dabrowski. We are the proud parents of 3 wonderful little boys.  They met while living in Calgary Alberta. Mark attended Millar College of the Bible in Saskatchewan. They felt called to missions and spent two years in New Tribes Mission Training in Ontario. The Lord then led them to spend five years serving in Papua New Guinea with New Tribes. During their time there health issues led them to return to Canada and God guided them towards Interact Ministries. They are currently serving at the Native Bible Centre with Glenna Houston.​

Mark & Emma Dabrowski​

InterAct Ministries 

Dale & Carol Smith

InterAct Ministries 

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