Crossfield Baptist Church has a long history of inspiring people to follow Jesus.
During the summer of 1930, under the leadership of Morley Hall, evangelistic meetings were held every Monday night in a small room on the second story floor above a local business in Crossfield. There was keen interest and crowds grew. During the first year, more than 50 people confessed faith in Christ and 39 followed the Lord in baptism.
By 1931 Charles McGrath took on the leadership of this weekly meeting and regular Sunday services were held in the Masonic Hall. During this year the gathering was small with an average attendance of 40 people. But with a vision to establish a permanent church in Crossfield, Charles McGrath, along with 25 other charter members, founded Crossfield Baptist Church on December 31st, 1931.
After several years of renting space to meet, the members of Crossfield Baptist Church constructed their own building and held their first services there in June, 1933. Though this was a relatively small structure, the new church building met the needs of those who attended there for a time.
From those humble, yet exciting beginnings, Crossfield Baptist Church has experienced a number of changes. As with any church that has been around for numerous decades, Crossfield Baptist Church has had multiple pastors come on staff. Each of these pastors left their own distinct mark upon the church as they ministered to the congregation and the community. The original building also saw a number of changes and was expanded upon through multiple additions over the years.
Crossfield Baptist Church has grown to an average attendance of 170 people each Sunday. With a strong focus on being family-relevant, you will find people of all ages and walks of life worshiping God here on Sunday. To better accommodate the needs of the church, a new building was constructed just outside of the town of Crossfield in 2009. Dr. Harald Froise joined us in September 2020 and under his leadership the church has experienced a refreshing rain of Bible-based sermons - a priority of the church ever since it's founding.
From a small body of believers, God has raised up individuals with the world on their hearts. Among these are nurses, doctors, teachers, Bible translators, and lives dedicated to prison reform. In addition, scores of youth and adults have been part of short-term mission projects building shelter for the poor, assisting with refugees, shoebox distribution, assisting in maternity centres, orphanages, AIDS homes as well as in Canada providing leadership in camps and unique ministries like acting in the Drumheller Passion Play and serving the snowboarder’s culture.
Since 1930 God has done many amazing things through Crossfield Baptist Church. Who can measure the eternal impact of a little prairie church over 89 years in lives that have passed through these doors? And while our minds are grasping this thought, let us add a dimension incalculable. What was the eternal impact on those who NEVER passed through these doors?
In His sovereignty, we look forward to the future and eagerly anticipate what God will do next.